Request probono immigration law services

To request pro bono immigration law services, please complete our form.

Our dedicated team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Kindly note that, due to the high demand for these services, there may be some delays in our response.

Knowledge is power

In line with our mission to create a positive impact and make legal support more accessible, we offer free seminars focused on migrant rights. We firmly believe that well-informed individuals are better equipped to navigate the complexities of immigration law. Our commitment lies in democratizing immigration law, making sure that everyone, regardless of nationality or economic background, understands their rights and responsibilities.

Our ultimate aim is to disseminate legal knowledge far beyond the confines of the legal profession, reaching the wider community through these seminars.

Domestic Violence and Partner Visas

If your relationship with your partner visa sponsor has ended due to domestic violence, you may still qualify for a permanent partner visa.

Join our free seminar to learn more about your rights.


Migrant Workers and Their Rights

Businesses and employers must respect the rights of migrant workers.

Join our free seminar to empower skilled workers with knowledge about their rights, ensuring they're protected from exploitation and harm.


Student visa changes

Student visa policies have recently undergone significant changes, leading to an increase in refusals and cancellations. Join our upcoming seminar to stay informed on the latest updates and understand how these changes may affect you. Contact us for more details!